Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quarter 3 Reflections!!!

This past quarter went by so quickly right before my eyes. Ms. Ahearn's class has been full of even more interacting and excitement. As always, Ms. Ahearn continually found a way to make the past few weeks full of challenging fun. She's so free-willed and looks at materials in a way that seems weird but makes so much sense. We read novels such as "Notes from Underground"and "Their Eyes Are Watching God". TEWWG was my favorite out of the two because of the new vibe we felt that differed from our average stories. We took a deep look in a poem entitled, "The Love Song By J.Alfred Prufrock". This poem allowed its audience to understand the feelings that our elderly face on a daily basis. I look forward to my last quarter in AP literature, which is fastly approaching. As of now we are preparing for the AP test in May. I know that no matter what, I will benifit from one of my favorite classes, Ms. Ahearn's AP Literature class.

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