Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reflections!!!! (Quarter 2)

I honestly cant believe that we are half way through the year in our AP Literature class. This past quarter in Ms. Ahearn's class has brought challenges that I thought I would not want to face. I become more independent when it came down to understanding what "the text" actually means rather than waiting for the answers to fall in my lap. As I told you before I absolutely love this class! Ms. Ahearn makes something such as depicting a text so fun and mysterious as if everything we read is an undiscovered island that patiently waits for someone to come. The "college atmosphere" is what drives me to do my best in this class; "average" seems to not be acceptable. My favorite story this quarter would have to be "Fences" because it gave our class a break from the serious literature we were used to reading. August Wilson, the author of this story, allowed serious events to be covered by humor and irony. I don't think I had a least favorite book because once you metaphorically open a book, you learn and discover insides beyond your imagination. My most challenging experience was trying to understand the meanings behind words in books like "Othello". Patience is a main tool in reading literature of such poetic language. With the help and support of Ms. Ahearn and my classmates, quarter two was satisfying and enjoyable and I look forward to exploring even deeper as we travel through quarter three.

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